Saturday 1 July | 10:30am – 12pm | The Forum, Norwich
Create and build a collaborative artwork led by our very own Young Norfolk Arts Collective!
Want to learn new skills, meet likeminded folk and get a taste of what being part of YNAC is about? Create delightful Cyanotype prints of your fondest memories of togetherness. Each person will be given a sheet of paper to print on, that will be combined together to make a singular large art piece depicting the Norwich skyline. If there are objects you wish to use in your print, such as flowers, we encourage that you bring them with you!
Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that allows light to create a silhouette.
These workshops have been curated by Young Norfolk Arts Collective, exploring themes of Longevity, Interactivity and Togetherness with some leading practitioners and the Collective themselves! No previous experience is necessary, all abilities welcome.
This workshop is for those aged 16-25.