Apply For A Stall As Part Of The YNAC Arts & Crafts Fair!

A few things to note:
- Cost: We are doing a ‘Pay What You Can Afford’ structure where if succesuful you can choose from paying £10, £15 and £20
- There are limited places due to the capacity of the venue.
- All makers must have Public Liability Insurance in place for you and your stall’s safety – we will ask for a copy of this if you are successful. Please look in our FAQ’s for recommendations.
- You will need to bring your own cash and/or card machine – which ever you prefer to use when selling your products.
- Tables will be provided with an option of 4′ x 2’6” (Full Size), 6′ x 2’6” (Full Size) or 3′ x 2’6” (Half Size – sharing a 6′ x 2’6” table). Again we are limited in the number of different sized tables so please choose 2 options when applying.
To apply, please follow the link below before Sunday 20th February at midnight to apply for a stall. We will look through applications and you will recieve an email as to whether you have been succesful in the w/c 21st February.
Poster designed by YNAC member: Joeseph Milne
The YNAC Arts & Crafts Fair FAQ’s
We are aware that as we are aiming for people within the 16 – 30 age bracket who are new and emerging creatives, there might be things that your not quite sure about and we will do everything we can to support you. If you have any questions take a look at our FAQ’s below and if you are still not sure, then please email artsandcraftsfair@youngnorfolkarts.org
What information do I need for the application form?
In the application form you will be asked for:
- Some personal details
- A short description of your products
- Links to photos of your products
- Price range of your products
- Links to social pages
- Preferred Table Sizes
- A comments box for any other special requirements / info
What kind of stallholders are we looking for?
We are looking for creatives aged 16-30 who are new/emerging creatives living in Norfolk who create affordable products. From illustrators to designers we would love to hear from you!
How much do stalls cost and how much space is provided?
We are doing a ‘Pay What You Can Afford’ structure where you can pick to pay between £10, £15 and £20. You will be given a space that is approximately 6 ft by 3ft and have a choice of these tables to choose from in the application form: 4′ x 2’6” (Full Size), 6′ x 2’6” (Full Size) or 3′ x 2’6” (Half Size – sharing a 6′ x 2’6” table). Please feel free to bring pieces to stack onto tables to organise your products.
Can I get a refund on my stall if I can’t make it?
We can only refund your stall if the event is cancelled or we are able to fill your slot. Please let us know as soon as possible and we will try our best to find a replacement vendor.
I would like to share a table with another trader, is this possible?
Yes. We have an option for you to share a 6′ x 2’6” and would recommend that if you have a friend in mind, you put this in the comments section at the bottom of the application form. Both people would need to apply separately.
Do I need to bring my own cash or card machine?
All stall holders will need to bring their own cash and/or card machine for selling their products. We reccommed THIS card machine for those looking to buy one.
Can I bring my own electrical lamps / lights?
The venue is lit by natural daylight and auditorium lights. Due to health and safety we can’t accommodate lighting that needs to be plugged in. You are very welcome to bring battery operated lights. Please get in touch if you want to discuss further options.
Can I hang items behind my stall?
As the venue is a listed building we can’t allow any items to be hung or taped to any of the walls or structures. Please bring your own stands / small rails to display items.
Do you accept food and drink traders?
I’m afraid we do not accept applications from food and drink traders as we have approached people directly.
Do I need public liability insurance to trade at the YNAC Arts & Crafts Fair?
Yes, all traders need to have public liability insurance in order to have a stall at our markets. Please find further information HERE for monthly subscriptions or HERE for one off traders.
What time can stallholders load in from?
Set up will be from 10am. The market will be open to the public from 11am – 3:30pm. You will have between 3:30pm – 4pm to clear your stall space at the end of the day. Staff will also be on hand to help anyone that might need it.
Is there parking on site?
If you’re coming in a car, The Norwich Arts Centre does not have their own car park so you will have to pay and display for 15 mins whilst loading. PLEASE NOTE you may get a ticket if you do not pay and display.
You can then park your car in a nearby pay and display for the day.
The closest car parks are Barn Road Car Park (St Swithins Road NR2 4SZ), Westwick Street Car Park (Westwick Street, NR2 4SZ) St. Andrew’s Multi-Storey Car Park (Duke Street, NR3 3AT 1084 spaces) or St. Giles Multi-Storey Car Park (St Giles Street 330 spaces) which are all just a 3-9 minute walk away.
Click here for parking information from Parkopedia.
How is the Arts & Crafts Fair promoted?
We will advertise the fair on both the Young Norfolk Arts and Norwich Arts Centre website, socials and newsletter. The event will be listed on local events listing sites and leaflets/posters distributed both physically and digitally to all partners and friends of Young Norfolk Arts Trust.