Young Norfolk Arts wants to showcase young talent from across the county as part of our Young Norfolk Arts Festival running 8-12 July 2021.
There will be opportunities to perform live, and also to come and professionally film a pre-recorded performance at Norwich Arts Centre in the run up to the Festival which will then become part of our virtual festival stage.
Open to musicians, bands, dancers or dance groups, poets, spoken word, circus, or any performers aged up to 25 years and based in (or with links to) Norfolk. We want the Festival to represent creativity and cultures from across the county, so wherever you’re based and whatever you do, send us what you’ve got!
Click below to fill out an application form. Deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 23 May.
Performers will be selected by members of our YNA Collective and we’ll confirm if you’ve been successful the week following the deadline.
If you have any questions please contact Milly at info@youngnorfolkarts.org